My DVD collection

(just my favorites)

Take your pick! If there's a way to watch it for free, I've linked it. :)

If you're looking for more entertainment...

If you're all the way down here, might as well listen to me yap!

My big birthday present two years ago was this very prison CRT TV you see to your right! Yes! I had the privilege of being convicted of a felon and being sent to the 90s so I could watch Johnny Bravo on one of these bad boys!

I had wanted a CRT TV for a hot minute just because I think they are so cool. The tool humans discovered electrons with is what we watch reruns on in your grandma's house. Crazy stuff. I've started building a physical collection of movies because much like my interest in social media, my trust in and desire to use streaming services is waning. Also, I like a lot of movies that I either can't find anywhere or have to rent to watch, so might as well invest and feel like an anarchist. Does anyone know what happened to Mune?? I loved it as a kid and it was a Netflix Original but now it's not on Netflix?? I won't get into my feelings about Into the Spider-verse.

I also have a hand-me-down Xbox from my brother that I'll occasionally hook up. Playing Skate 3 on a screen the size of a cutting board is something else.

Thanks for sticking around :-)

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