Hello, stranger.
I'm Fable, a keepsake toy and webmaster of Mygrain. You came at a good time; I just laid out my favorite blanket. Welcome!
I first created Mygrain as a way to use the Internet without inducing delirium. We all start somewhere. I'm working hard to make this toybox more hospitable, so watch your step! Make yourself at home in the meantime, and help yourself to whatever's in the fridge.
Here's some advice for exploring:
- Scroll bars won't appear because they change the mouse icon to default when they're hovered over. Ew. Just scroll anyways.
- Every link opens in a new tab or iframe on the site to avoid using the back arrow. (If you find one that doesn't, please let me know.)
- As a cautious Internet expolorer myself, I've made it so just about every item has a "title." Hover your mouse over an item or linked text for more info about it.
- I realize my font size is pretty small (soz). Use "CTRL +" and "CTRL -" to zoom in and out if need be.
- Mygrain is undergoing a major revamp at the moment, so there might not be a lot for you to check out yet. If you'd like to take a look at Mygrain's old ugly mug, change "landing" to "land" in the web address up in the search bar.
Thanks for stopping by!

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Listening to: Torches by Foster the People
Watching: Gundam Wing
Reading: "Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Playing: my guitar lol
Working on: internship applications